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Thread: Anti-ad blocker plugin for Revive Adserver
Post: RE: Anti-ad blocker plugin for Revive Adserver
(07-02-2019, 06:05 AM)Alwins Wrote: when generating the tag in revive after having the ad blocker plugin, this tag is used by the publishers, but they do not put it in their direct page, but they pu... |
Richard Smith |
Why Reviveadservermod?
2 |
154,082 |
07-02-2019, 01:36 PM |
Thread: Multiple banners
Post: RE: Multiple banners
(06-19-2019, 06:52 AM)Fergusona Wrote: How does ad server can deal with various advertisers and ads?
As a publisher, on the off chance that you are reached by the advertisers to run the advertisemen... |
Richard Smith |
Custom Plugin Request For Revive Adserver
9 |
14,554 |
06-19-2019, 09:00 AM |
Thread: Payment error / contact needed
Post: RE: Payment error / contact needed
(06-18-2019, 07:52 AM)Efil Wrote: Hi all,
I've tried to buy a mod but it didn't work, no error message appeared, I was just forwarded to the empty shooping cart with the message "Unable to initiali... |
Richard Smith |
1 |
5,333 |
06-18-2019, 01:25 PM |
Thread: approve or disapprove the Banner Authorization Request to admin
Post: RE: approve or disapprove the Banner Authorization...
(06-10-2019, 01:25 PM)Kumar Wrote: How Long Does it Take My Banner to Be Activated After create our ads?
If you are installed Banner Authorization Request to admin approve mod. Once you create ads, ... |
Richard Smith |
Custom Plugin Request For Revive Adserver
3 |
12,287 |
06-11-2019, 05:07 AM |
Thread: Re-targeting plugin for E-commerce/ Shopping cart products
Post: RE: Re-targeting plugin for E-commerce/ Shopping c...
(06-10-2019, 11:50 AM)Richard Smith Wrote: What Kind of Sites Can Use Perfectly increase Audience?
Perfect Audience works incredible for online businesses of every kind imaginable. All things consid... |
Richard Smith |
5 |
7,325 |
06-10-2019, 02:27 PM |
Thread: Re-targeting plugin for E-commerce/ Shopping cart products
Post: RE: Re-targeting plugin for E-commerce/ Shopping c...
What Kind of Sites Can Use Perfectly increase Audience? |
Richard Smith |
5 |
7,325 |
06-10-2019, 11:50 AM |
Thread: Out-stream video ad formats for Revive Adserver
Post: RE: Out-stream video ad formats for Revive Adserve...
(06-10-2019, 06:50 AM)Alwins Wrote: monetization of the outstream video in revive adserver
Outstream video has emerged as a powerful format that provides a new method for expanding video reach. It o... |
Richard Smith |
Assistance offered -
5 |
5,303 |
06-10-2019, 11:43 AM |
Thread: Header bidding plugin for Revive
Post: RE: Header bidding plugin for Revive
(06-08-2019, 07:59 AM)David Ryder Wrote: Does Header Bidding Help Publishers call what type of auction?
Header bidding is a path for publishers to have a synchronous auction from every one of the bi... |
Richard Smith |
Custom Plugin Request For Revive Adserver
5 |
8,484 |
06-10-2019, 08:00 AM |
Thread: Out-stream video ad formats for Revive Adserver
Post: RE: Out-stream video ad formats for Revive Adserve...
(06-07-2019, 09:46 AM)Saki Sakura Wrote: How to capitalize on outstream video ads for publishers?
Outstream ads are video units placed in non-video environments, such as articles, feeds or banners. ... |
Richard Smith |
Assistance offered -
5 |
5,303 |
06-07-2019, 11:59 AM |
Thread: Adhesion Banners for Revive
Post: RE: Adhesion Banners for Revive
(06-06-2019, 01:47 PM)Jeeva Wrote: What is Adhesion Banners?
The adhesion is an impact that spots banners in a floating layer that adheres fast itself to the top, left, base or right corners or edge... |
Richard Smith |
New Plugins for ReviveAdserver
3 |
7,988 |
06-07-2019, 04:53 AM |
Thread: Header Bidding for Revive
Post: RE: Header Bidding for Revive
(06-06-2019, 12:50 PM)Saki Sakura Wrote: How does header bidding boost optimization?
header bidding to function across all ad formats and defeat dormancy, yield and straightforwardness obstructions ... |
Richard Smith |
3 |
6,518 |
06-06-2019, 02:19 PM |
Thread: Geo targeting
Post: RE: Geo targeting
(06-03-2019, 06:07 AM)Fergusona Wrote: How does work as Region delivery limitations on revive adserver?
The advertiser can focus on the specific state in which they can achieve more clients and incr... |
Richard Smith |
3 |
6,451 |
06-03-2019, 10:49 AM |
Thread: Overview of rewarded ad units
Post: RE: Overview of rewarded ad units
(06-01-2019, 07:57 AM)William George Wrote: How to execute premium game content suitable ad on ideal time?
Rewarded ads offer the motivating force/reward to the client who's viewing the advertisemen... |
Richard Smith |
5 |
6,959 |
06-03-2019, 05:50 AM |
Thread: Bidding System - Zone
Post: RE: Bidding System - Zone
(06-01-2019, 05:18 AM)Cristy Wrote: How would I set up a video advertisement with different bitrates?
On the off chance that you have a various adaptation of a video advertisement with various bitra... |
Richard Smith |
Custom Plugin Request For Revive Adserver
9 |
18,344 |
06-01-2019, 06:30 AM |
Thread: Inline Video Creative with support of Html5
Post: RE: Inline Video Creative with support of Html5
(05-31-2019, 01:53 PM)David Ryder Wrote: need to demonstrate the ad at a marked time in Inline Video Ads?
Linear ads are typically served a video, but may also include static image, that
play for a ... |
Richard Smith |
3 |
5,540 |
06-01-2019, 04:21 AM |
Thread: YouTube like Video Ads display
Post: RE: YouTube like Video Ads display
(05-31-2019, 05:16 AM)Saki Sakura Wrote: How to VAST and VMAP blend to deliver YouTube-like video ads benefits for Revive Adserver
Video ads, one of the generally utilized strategies in the advertis... |
Richard Smith |
7 |
7,717 |
05-31-2019, 09:59 AM |
Thread: Performance Analytics
Post: RE: Performance Analytics
(05-30-2019, 06:36 AM)Marvin Wrote: How would I know whether Revive adserver Ad is working? want to see the single screen consolidated reporting
you can see a wide scope of execution slants in your ... |
Richard Smith |
Custom Plugin Request For Revive Adserver
5 |
5,637 |
05-31-2019, 04:33 AM |
Thread: Display my banner within one particular time
Post: RE: Display my banner within one particular time
(05-30-2019, 09:56 AM)David Ryder Wrote: What are the benefits of using Time targeting for the advertiser?
The Time targeting by advertiser plugin for Revive Adserver benefits advertiser by helping ... |
Richard Smith |
5 |
6,505 |
05-30-2019, 02:18 PM |
Thread: own custom banner creation in revive
Post: RE: own custom banner creation in revive
(05-30-2019, 05:30 AM)Jeeva Wrote: what sets need our advertisement; How would I be able to make an elegant ad?
Keep your ads relevant. One approach to improve significance is to utilize your client... |
Richard Smith |
Assistance offered -
3 |
8,110 |
05-30-2019, 02:05 PM |
Thread: Third party impression pixel url for inline video banners
Post: RE: Third party impression pixel url for inline vi...
(05-29-2019, 02:07 PM)Kumar Wrote: Revive Adserver API and 3rd party software integration techniques
Revive Adserver API combinations with third part software, from basic measurable showcase to a to... |
Richard Smith |
Custom Plugin Request For Revive Adserver
3 |
5,028 |
05-30-2019, 10:40 AM |