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Publish Ads on mobile app...
Forum: Custom Plugin Request For Revive Adserver
Last Post: Huge Philip
03-12-2024, 06:22 AM
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» Views: 2,570
Podcast Advertising
Forum: New Plugins for ReviveAdserver
Last Post: Thirumoorthi.P
03-08-2024, 09:14 AM
» Replies: 1
» Views: 829
mail to command
Forum: Assistance offered - ReviveAdserverMod.com
Last Post: Arthur Erlers
03-28-2023, 12:54 PM
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Plugin request
Forum: Custom Plugin Request For Revive Adserver
Last Post: Thirumoorthi.P
03-28-2023, 12:18 PM
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Technical Issue
Forum: Technical support
Last Post: Robert Chasmber
03-28-2023, 06:55 AM
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Plugin request
Forum: Custom Plugin Request For Revive Adserver
Last Post: Thirumoorthi.P
06-23-2022, 10:19 AM
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tech support
Forum: Technical support
Last Post: Thirumoorthi.P
06-22-2022, 12:55 PM
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New Ad Format
Forum: New Plugins for ReviveAdserver
Last Post: Cold Richardson
06-21-2022, 12:38 PM
» Replies: 6
» Views: 7,314
VAST Wrapper Ad WaterFall
Forum: Custom Plugin Request For Revive Adserver
Last Post: Pranesh Ravikumar
12-10-2021, 12:02 PM
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, , ,
Forum: Custom Plugin Request For Revive Adserver
Last Post: WandaBUh
11-29-2021, 09:47 AM
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» Views: 4,949

  Connecting Revive with ViMP CMS
Posted by: Steffi Catherine - 02-18-2021, 10:17 AM - Forum: New Plugins for ReviveAdserver - Replies (3)

We are trying to connect Revive with ViMP cms,so when I create a video banner in revive, I want this ad to update ViMP ad data. Can you help in creating this.

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  Supply side marketplace with Revive
Posted by: William George - 02-13-2021, 07:28 AM - Forum: Custom Plugin Request For Revive Adserver - No Replies

We want a marketplace which can facilitate buying of ad spaces using Revive as the ad server. Should we be focusing on the Supply Side Marketplace?

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  Simultaneous Bid request to multiple ad exchange
Posted by: David Ryder - 02-11-2021, 12:43 PM - Forum: Custom Plugin Request For Revive Adserver - Replies (3)

Is there any plugin for publishers to send bid requests to multiple ad exchanges and other demand partners simultaneously?

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  Plugin Request
Posted by: Huge Philip - 01-13-2021, 09:50 AM - Forum: Custom Plugin Request For Revive Adserver - Replies (3)

We are looking to connect Revive Ad server with DSP platform. So Ads from the DSP platform will be delivered to the Revive configured publishers.

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  Plugin Request
Posted by: Saki Sakura - 11-11-2020, 06:16 AM - Forum: Custom Plugin Request For Revive Adserver - No Replies

We would like to find out more about Revive plug-ins you are offering, that could potentially allow us to run In-banner videos creatives.

At the moment we are running standard image banners ,but what we would like to do is to start running In-banner videos, while keeping the same zones/placement tags we have on the website.

So for instance, we would like to create 300x250 banner, containing mp4 video inside, and use the existing 300x250 zone/placement tag we have on the site by doing so, we can basically put 300x250 In-banner video to run in rotation with the standard 300x250 banner we are already running.

Do you have any plug-in available that could correspond to our need?

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  WebP format
Posted by: Saki Sakura - 10-13-2020, 05:11 PM - Forum: Technical support - Replies (2)

I would like to ask if it's possible to use image in WebP format in revive Adserver. I wanted to upload it as an advertisement banner and I was unable to do it.

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  Monetize ads
Posted by: Roy Lee - 10-06-2020, 03:41 PM - Forum: Custom Plugin Request For Revive Adserver - Replies (8)

I will be launching a brand new social networking website next week, and I wish to monetize with ads, can you help?

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  Mobile ads with SDK Plugins
Posted by: Roy Lee - 09-30-2020, 12:11 PM - Forum: Technical support - Replies (5)

We are using Revive Ads server in our web platforms and we want to extend it to our mobile platform too.

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  Anti - Ad Blocker
Posted by: Priyoshi Gupta - 09-24-2020, 12:21 PM - Forum: Custom Plugin Request For Revive Adserver - Replies (5)

I am looking for Anti-ad Blocker for Revive Ad server.

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  Vast & Vmap Plugin
Posted by: Jackson - 09-24-2020, 12:00 PM - Forum: New Plugins for ReviveAdserver - Replies (3)

We are using a paid solution and would like to move to a view/open source code solution that we can debug it ourselves. We need an ad manager plugin to manage/play VAST powered ads in our player.

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